Saturday, August 28, 2010

Our latest project!

Five new homes in Enoch, Utah!



Free Speech and Profanity

What has happened to the way we speak and present ourselves lately online? I participate on a number of online forums and social media sites. I have noticed an increase in the use and the common acceptance of profanity and vulgarity on many sites.

As a moderator on two construction related forums, I hear (see) a lot of good natured conversations with an occasional profane word thrown in for emphasis and it really does not bother me. In both forums, there are private (members only) and public sections. For the most part, the members in the public sections show restraint, and in the private areas, not so much! But that is ok, because in the private areas, you know what to expect, as contractors can be an "expressive" group! 

What about the public areas? Should they be censored? Should anyone be allowed to use language that others may find objectionable? Many members have their business name visible, does it matter to them that a potential customer might find their post? Do people really worry anymore on how they appear? Does it make it a difference if it is "in context" or "gratuitous"?  I don't know?

This morning, I asked a member of a forum to remove the words bitch and jackass from a signature line (this appears in every post they make, sometimes a personal statement or opinion, most often a link to their own site). I was astounded by the response I received. I was accused of violating his Right to Free Speech! I had not asked him to edit his political opinion, only remove the two words. Was I being a prude? Is that oppression?

I did some googling and found some interesting articles like these:

Why do Educated People use bad words?

South Carolina Considers Law That Would Criminalize Profanity In Public Forums

Youtube patron outraged over profanity filter

What's up with all the profanity?

It seems there is a lot of controversy on this subject! Maybe I am just an old lady who still believes in good manners?

What do you think?

Saturday, August 21, 2010

A Building Marathon!

We are on the home stretch of painting 5 homes in 5 weeks in the Nichols Landing area of Enoch, Utah for SMJ Homes of Cedar City, Utah. This was a tight schedule, but having a General Contractor like Shem Mackert with an experienced staff and a group of subcontractors who are experienced in working together made it a very smooth build. Justin Bowler of SMJ Homes is the project supervisor and he made sure that all the trades were scheduled in a way that allowed everyone the access to do what they needed to do. This allowed for a quality home to be built in an efficient and budget friendly manner without sacrificing quality. Call SMJ Homes now to see what they can do for you!




Sunday, August 1, 2010

We love what we do!

Rob and I were talking about our business, RC Painting this weekend. The economy has presented many challenges to small businesses in the past year.
Many contractors kept busy during the building boom of the past and with the number of building permits down, many companies have gone out of business. We are so fortunate to have a loyal customer base, and a few quality General Contractors like Shem Mackert of SMJ Homes to keep us busy.

Rob and I love working with Homeowners, Property Managers and General Contractors to provide a stress free home improvement, renovation or new build.

We would not be able to provide the excellent service that keeps our repeat customers coming back if were not for the members of our team. So I'd like to thank Rob, Bill and Robert for all they do! We love what we do!

Interior Painting

Well, summer is drawing to a close! Are you ready for a long winter indoors staring at the walls? Before the snow hits, let RC Painting of Cedar City, Utah give your interior a new look! Call Chris now at 435-439-5690 to schedule your free estimate!