RC Painting specializes in painting new construction homes for General Contractors and Owner Builders. Painting New Construction in Cedar City is a great experience, we are lucky to have a core group of subcontractors that we encounter in each home. Often times, many of the trades are in the house at the same time trying to get their portion done. When it is ready to paint, all other activity must stop so that the painting can be completed. This means that we must complete our work as quick as possible, while still providing a quality finish.
Rob Haught of RC Painting and his crew have a procedure and system they have spent years refining. This enables them to complete an average home (1700 sq. ft) in three to five days, depending on finish requirements. They have also kept up with new products in the industry to provide the best service and finish. Look for upcoming blogs to see what products we like!
Here is a video of our process.
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